Sisel review – Sisel testimonial

Sisel Review by Trevor Boshuizen

I joined Sisel in Early August 2015. I live in Hastings Victoria.Australia.

I came across a Sisel distributor who thoughtfully sent through some info in regards to Fucoydon and it’s benefits for inflammation and the immune system.My partner has been suffering terribly from an autoimmune disease called Takayasus Arteritis. I have been involved in heath and nutrition for almost a couple of decades now and have been working on my partner in the areas of the gut, nutrition minerals and vitamins, antioxidants, bovine colostrum and a diet without wheat,sugar and dairy.

We were lucky enough to source a bottle of fucoydon and I started my partner of on this. A week later we Incorporated the rest of the Trio of Life products being Spectra Max 42 Different Antioxidant’s, 74 Minerals, and Vitamins all in the one bottle. As well as the Resveratrol product called Eternity.

She has been pain Free since the introduction of these products!

I don’t know what has been the key to this Fantastic result. All I can say is a heart felt thank you to Sisel, Tom Mower Sr ,Tom Mower Jr and to Julie who was thoughtful enough to share.

Also a Big thank you to Sisel once again for being so generous in their compensation/marketing plan which will help to make these products available to All.

This is truly a novel Business. Anti ageing and a generous residual income model makes Sisel very special indeed !

Trevor and Shar

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor