Mower Message May 2024 – Sisel Update

Mower Message May 2024 – Sisel Update

What a great Mower Mountain we’ve had! We just wrapped up an amazing event filled with fun and lots of new insights from leadership and Sisel corporate. I do have to say that if you didn’t make it, you missed out, but don’t worry, we have many more Mower Mountain events to come. This probably has been my favourite Mower Mountain to date, so the bar has been set high for the next one. To sum it up, in these past four days, friendships have been renewed, new friendships have been made, knowledge has been gained, and tons of fun has been enjoyed!

We remain true to our mission, and it shows. When most of the industry isn’t seeing growth, here at Sisel, we continue to see record numbers month over month. I must thank every single person that is a part of Sisel for making the Mower Mission an industry standard. Sisel isn’t just a company; Sisel is a way of life. Living a toxin-free life is not without challenge, but Sisel is leading the way and has been making it possible for over 30 years. In a world that seems to be unsettled and changing, it brings me great comfort to see that Sisel remains constant. We made a promise that we would remain free from debt, conduct ourselves in an honest manner, and remain loyal to every one of you.

What’s Up?

We think about you, members of the Sisel family, constantly. We only want the best for you and your families and help you to live a happier and fulfilled life. We want you to experience life with prosperity and happiness. Thank you for your love and support and everything else that you do. I hope that you can make it to the next Mower Mountain to party with the Mowers the way that we like to party. I promise that you will learn things and have more fun than you ever have had before.

Thomas Mower
Director of Global Operations

Last Updated on May 5, 2024 by Katie Sisel Distributor