FuCoyDon now even better!

Sisel’s FuCoyDon Even Better!

Sisel has improved the flavor of Fucoydon using passion fruit whilst maintaining all the power of fucoidan. One great formula now exists worldwide!

Fucoydon Product Sisel

What is so special about Fucoydon?

Fucoydon is a MegaTonic, packed full of life extending Limu Moi! Limu Moui is a power-packed sea vegetable that has been eaten for thousands of years. Tonga, Japan and other coastal areas eat Limu Moui for its health benefits. Limu Moui is the base ingredient for Sisel’s FuCoyDon. Fucoidan is found in Limu Moui.


Regenerate healthy cells

Limu Moui’s ability to increase well being and to regenerate healthy cells is the reason it has been eaten by the inhabitants of the South Seas for centuries.

This has lead many researchers to conclude that the daily consumption of fucoidan, combined with a healthy diet and active lifestyle can help lead to a longer and more healthy life!

Many health foods taste unpleasant, however Sisel’s new flavored Fucoydon is popular across the world.

[Talk to your doctor about this supplement before taking it. This information is not intended to treat prevent or cure any disease or illness.]




Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor