Pharmaceutical drugs in drinking water

Pharmaceutical drugs in drinking water, a good reason to purchase Sisel’s SupraH2 Water filter

Tiny amounts of pharmaceutical drugs — including antibiotics, hormones, mood stabilizers, and other drugs — are in our drinking water supplies, according to a media report.

In an investigation by the Associated Press, drinking water supplies in 24 major metropolitan areas were found to include drugs.

According to the investigation, the drugs get into the drinking water supply through several routes: some people flush unneeded medication down toilets; other medicine gets into the water supply after people take medication, absorb some, and pass the rest out in urine or feces. Some pharmaceuticals remain even after wastewater treatments and cleansing by water treatment plants, the investigation showed.

Although levels are low — reportedly measured in parts per billion or trillion — and utility companies contend the water is safe, experts from private organizations and the government say they can’t say for sure whether the levels of drugs in drinking water are low enough to discount harmful health effects.

WebMD asked experts to give their take on the potential risks of drugs in the water supply.


How do pharmaceutical drugs get into drinking water?

This diagram explains the cycle of water and how it is contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs from prescribed medications.

How drugs are in drinking water

How do I remove pharmaceutical drugs from my drinking water?

Remove all pharmaceutical residues, heavy metals, chlorine and fluoride from drinking water using Sisel’s SupraH2 Hydrogen Water filter.

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor