Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid

Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid
Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid

Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid – Natures hidden secret

Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid, what is the difference?

Humic acid is not absorbed by plants whereas fulvic acid is highly absorbable. Moreover, fulvic acids have a lower molecular weight (size of the molecule) than humic acids. So, the size of the humic acid molecule is much larger (colloidal) than the size of the fulvic acid molecule (ionic).

Humic acid is only soluble in water at certain high pH levels, while fulvic acid is soluble in water at all pH levels.

Fulvic acid is both an acceptor and a donor. Fulvic acid readily breaks down minerals and nutrients to an ionic size and attaches to them, forming an organic fulvate.

In this form even an inorganic mineral, with a very low absorption rate of as little as 2-3%, can be covalently bonded to fulvic acid. Then it is changed to be absorbed at a 91-97% through the stomach and easily into the cell.

This significantly higher rate of absorption through the stomach and into the cell is also true with nutrients.

To recap the acceptor bonds minerals and nutrients to the fulvic acid forming an organic fulvate. The donor delivers them to where they can be utilized.

The organic fulvate then delivers it to the cell which, of course, is the donor stage. But it is not over at that point i.e. Once within the cell, enzymes cleave off the mineral or nutrient to use it in its biological processes.

The excessive electrons (H2) from the once again “freed up fulvic acid”, recharges the energetic process that creates NAD+ within energy phase of the cell. This is also a donor phase.

Because of the loss of electrons from the fulvic acid to the energy phase of the cell, it wants to satisfy its unstable electronic state, so it bonds with free radicals, especially toxic heavy metals. This is an acceptor phase again.

The fulvic acid with the free radical attached is neutralized. This newly formed molecule is now an organic fulvate and becomes a donor, as this neutralized free radical/fulvic acid compound is then expelled from the cell and discharged from the body as waste.

To clarify a few issues with Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid

Humic acid does contain fulvic acids also. Fulvic acids do not contain humic acid because the molecule is too large.

In the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, Fulvic acid was given to people and animals to ingest because it neutralizes the radiation. The Russians also sprayed it on the ground, plants, and also buildings and equipment for the same reason.

The reason is as follows: Radiation molecules have a deficiency and there for a strong imbalance in their electron valance (rings). In simple terms, they are hungry for electrons to satisfy their unstable state and rob them from living tissues. That’s how radiation kills by breaking down the molecules in the body as it steals their electrons.

Fulvic acid has tremendous amounts of surplus electrons. Consequently, they readily give them up to radiation molecules to satisfy their thirst for electrons. Therefore, it neutralizes the radiation so it becomes inert.

Now you can understand more of why Sisel uses Fulvic Acid (Organic Fulvic Acid) in Body Shield and SpectraMaxx.

Sisel Body Shield

Powerful Fulvic Acid Supplement

Body Shield is a Fulvic Acid Supplement

Terrahydrite and the gut

Terrahydrite is a lignite which contains humic acid within turn contains fulvic acid.

Fulvic acid has tremendous biological ability. Without it, no plant or animal could absorb enough nutrients and minerals to support life.

It is much better for the gut whereas humic acid is not soluble and the Terrahydrite is more of a bulking agent much as charcoal is.

The redeeming factor of it, in my opinion, is that it contains fluvic acid but the amount is small whereas in Body Shield it is extremely high.

For the gut, the fluvic acid would be very helpful, humic not much effect other than the fluvic acid it contains as is it with Terrahydrite from lignite.

Well, that’s the answer to your question of, Humic acid vs Fulvic acid, what is the difference between Humic acid and Fulvic acid. (Article was written by Tom Mower Sr, Cheif Scientist and President of Sisel International facebook post 8 June 2019)

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor