InnerChi for Her Product Review by Tom Mower

“InnerChi for Her provides health support and feelings of well being.”

Tom Mower’s Facebook Post:

“Want to slide down this chart… and make life worth living again?

Hot Flush reduction with ingredients in Inner Chi for Her

Hot Flush reduction using Lignan

Are you ready to become a much younger version of you! To grow hair like a teenager again and have skin like a baby, eyelashes that flash and the nails you love to look at. With wrinkles that just seem to disappear OR maybe the real question is where did they go!

Weight loss is fast and easy, harmony of mind and body is not just for mystics as you become mystified in the beautiful feelings radiating through you. Metabolic syndrome with hot flashes and irregularity become just terms in a medical dictionary, people think your daughter is your older sister.. Can all this be true? Can it be so easy to do as using a product with ingredients to take you back in time…

To release the inner you, full of vitality, youthful energy and the clean look of youth all over again.

If this could only be true, what would you do?…. If it sounds too good to be true it must be Trust the Science and trust Sisel. Your moment in time is now.

Add some TS-X and the Triangle of Life, too, and watch as life marches on and you move backward through it.

Wake up each morning and hug some beautiful young person you see as you find you’ve bumped into the mirror.

Time to take back your life..a younger life, one where Harmony is not the name of a city or a word in story books but it is a happy ever after ending where you are in body, mind and spirit.
Time’s a wasting, get a hold of InnerChi for her and let time go back as you zip along going the other way…

Become all you can be and more than you ever thought possible because with Sisel the impossible becomes reality and you are now on the threshold of creating a new you that you will love to be.

Is youthful regeneration your dream?”

***Comments to Tom Mower’s post:

Jayne Fothergill: “Oh I love your wording Tom Mower and I LOVE my Inner Chi, it turned my life around within 10 days!! I will not live without this product. Thank you!! 😊”
Rober Storey: “And for the guys, the Inner Chi FOR HIM works amazingly too. At 66 years of age it’s growing my hair back. Unbelievable!! Thanks Tom for your incredible products.”


Inner Chi for Her by Sisel International

Inner Chi for Her by Sisel International

InnerChi offers breakthrough support in Woman’s health!

Red Clover Isoflavones support hormonal balance reflecting in mood, mind, and body. Daidzein Kudzu Extract provides nutritional support for thinning hair, hair loss, and healthy cholesterol. Equol supports growing healthy hair, skin, nail, and eyelashes, aids in metabolic syndrome for rapid weight loss, and provides unique support for pre- and post- menopausal symptoms.

InnerChi is a power supplement that will bring intensive support and help balance your life.

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor