Revolutionary Joint Health Solution: Transforming Horses And Dogs

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The following information is a summary of the transcript from the above interview with Dr Curt and Tom Mower Jr, Sisel CEO and Product Formulator.

Joint health is a critical aspect of overall well-being in both horses and dogs. Maintaining healthy joints is crucial for their mobility, agility, and overall quality of life.

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for innovative solutions that can effectively improve joint health in these animals. This article explores a revolutionary joint health solution that aims to transform the lives of horses and dogs by addressing joint issues comprehensively.

Developed by a team of experts in the nutrition industry, this groundbreaking product offers a unique approach to enhancing joint health. Through years of research and development, the formulation of this joint health solution is based on a deep understanding of the nutritional needs of horses and dogs.

By focusing on key ingredients and their synergistic effects, this product targets the root causes of joint problems and provides a comprehensive solution for long-term joint health.

In the following sections, we will delve into the specific ingredients and formulation of this joint health solution, highlighting their role in promoting joint health and addressing common issues. Furthermore, we will explore the benefits and effectiveness of this product, backed by scientific evidence and testimonials from satisfied customers.

By understanding the proper usage and dosage, as well as considering safety considerations, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of this revolutionary joint health solution and its potential to transform the lives of horses and dogs.

Key Takeaways

  • Tom Mower Jr, Sisel CEO and Chief Product Formula has developed a revolutionary joint health solution for horses and dogs.
  • The product is formulated to reduce inflammation, rebuild joints, and improve overall health and lifespan of horses and dogs.
  • The product contains a proprietary blend of ingredients including collagen peptides, boron, beta glucan, and hyaluronic acid.
  • The product has been tested and proven effective in horses and dogs, and the company emphasizes transparency and results.

Product Overview

The current subtopic focuses on providing an overview of the joint health product for horses and dogs, which aims to revolutionize their well-being. This innovative product, called Max Motion, offers a comprehensive solution for improving joint health in horses and dogs. It is designed to address common issues such as inflammation, joint damage, and mobility problems.

The product features a unique blend of ingredients that work synergistically to reduce inflammation, rebuild joints, and support overall joint health. Key ingredients include collagen peptides, boron, beta glucan, and hyaluronic acid, all of which have been carefully selected for their proven benefits in promoting joint health. The formulation is transparently printed on the bottle, ensuring that customers are aware of the specific ingredients and their quantities.

Customer testimonials have been overwhelmingly positive, with many horse owners and trainers reporting significant improvements in their animals’ joint health and mobility after using Max Motion. Not only has it been effective in reducing inflammation and relieving joint pain, but it has also aided in the rebuilding of damaged joints. The product’s effectiveness has been demonstrated through rigorous testing and research, as well as the positive feedback from Amish distributors and a successful trial on a small dog.

While Max Motion is primarily marketed towards horse owners, it has also been found to be highly effective in reducing joint problems in dogs. The dosage is based on the size of the animal, making it a cost-effective solution for pet owners. Although safety for cats is unknown, the product has been deemed non-toxic and safe for consumption by horses and dogs.

Overall, Max Motion is a revolutionary joint health solution that offers a transformative approach to improving the well-being of horses and dogs.

Ingredients and Formulation

Developing an effective and scientifically formulated blend of ingredients has been crucial in the creation of a breakthrough product for enhancing joint function and overall well-being in equine and canine animals. The product development process involved extensive scientific research to identify key ingredients that could address inflammation, promote joint repair, and support connective tissues. Careful consideration was given to selecting ingredients with proven efficacy and safety profiles.

The formulation of the joint health solution incorporates a proprietary blend of ingredients that work synergistically to provide optimal joint support. These ingredients include collagen peptides, which play a key role in cartilage repair and bone function. Glucosamine, another important ingredient, aids in the synthesis of proteoglycans, which are essential for maintaining healthy connective tissues. Chondroitin sulfate, naturally present in connective tissues, helps to improve joint lubrication and reduce inflammation. Other key components include boron, beta glucan, and hyaluronic acid, which have been shown to reduce joint problems, reduce inflammation, and promote joint moisture, respectively.

The careful selection and combination of these ingredients ensure that the joint health solution addresses multiple aspects of joint health, providing comprehensive support for equine and canine animals. Through rigorous research and formulation, this revolutionary product has been developed to provide a safe and effective solution for enhancing joint function and overall well-being in horses and dogs.

Benefits and Effectiveness

Utilizing a meticulously selected blend of scientifically-backed ingredients, the formulated product demonstrates its efficacy in improving joint function and overall well-being in equine and canine animals. The product has garnered numerous testimonials and success stories from horse and dog owners who have witnessed significant improvements in their animals’ joint health after using the product. These testimonials serve as compelling evidence of the product’s effectiveness in reducing joint problems and enhancing mobility.

When compared to other joint health products in the market, this revolutionary solution stands out for its unique formulation and comprehensive approach to joint health. Unlike many other products that focus on a single ingredient or target a specific aspect of joint health, this solution targets joint issues from multiple angles, addressing inflammation and providing the necessary cofactors for joint repair and maintenance. The inclusion of ingredients such as collagen peptides, glucosamine, and chondroitin, along with proprietary blends of boron, beta glucan, and hyaluronic acid, sets this product apart from others in terms of its comprehensive formulation.

Furthermore, the product’s competitive pricing makes it an attractive option for horse and dog owners seeking a high-quality joint health solution without breaking the bank. The affordability of the product, combined with its proven effectiveness, makes it a favorable choice among competitors in the market. Additionally, the fact that the product is sourced from ingredients commonly used for human consumption suggests its potential suitability for human use as well.

Overall, this revolutionary joint health solution has demonstrated its ability to transform the lives of horses and dogs, providing them with improved joint function and overall well-being.

Usage and Dosage

In terms of usage and dosage, the product provides clear instructions on how to administer it to equine and canine animals based on their size and weight. The dosage guidelines are designed to ensure that the animals receive the appropriate amount of the product for optimal joint health benefits.

For horses, the recommended dosage is based on their weight, with a specific amount to be given daily. The product is typically added to the horse’s feed and should be administered consistently to maintain the desired effects.

Similarly, for dogs, the dosage is determined by their size. The product comes with specific guidelines on the amount to be given daily, which can be adjusted based on the dog’s weight. It is important to follow the dosage instructions to ensure that the animals receive the correct amount of the product.

Proper administration of the product is crucial to ensure its effectiveness in promoting joint health in both horses and dogs. By following the recommended dosage guidelines, owners can provide their animals with the appropriate amount of the product to support their joint health and overall well-being.

Safety and Considerations

Regarding the safety and considerations of the product, it is important to note that Tom Mower Jr has not pursued specific approvals for the product and it is not intended to treat specific health problems in animals.

As mentioned earlier, Tom Mower Jr is involved in contract manufacturing and has personal experience with horses and the development of the product for their own use. The speaker possesses a large manufacturing facility and aims to bring the product to market, primarily targeting the Amish community and other horse owners.

While the product is primarily marketed towards horse owners, it can also be used for dogs. However, it is worth mentioning that the safety for cats is unknown, and further research or consultation with a veterinarian may be necessary before administering the product to cats.

In terms of regulatory requirements, Tom Mower Jr mentions the submission of the product to the Department of Agriculture in Utah, indicating that the product is considered an animal feed. It is unclear if there are additional approval requirements for selling the product in veterinarian clinics or warehouses in each state.

Tom Mower Jr states the product does NOT contain steroids or substances that could cause issues in racehorses. It is important to note that Tom Mower Jr does not provide specific information regarding potential safety studies or trials conducted on the product. Therefore, it is advisable for potential users to consult with a veterinarian before administering the product to their animals, especially if the animal has any underlying health conditions or is currently on medication.

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Last Updated on July 9, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor