Sisel Business Opportunity…but wait!!

The SISEL Business Opportunity….but wait! What about my HEALTH?

Let’s talk about Health Benefits!

The business opportunityis nothing compared to the HEALTH OPPORTUNITY the Sisel PRODUCTS CAN PROVIDE YOU.

Don’t believe me read my Neways to Sisel product story.

GREAT PRODUCTS drive a business.

Are you looking for PRODUCTS THAT WORK well FOR YOU?

Do you want to look after YOUR HEALTH?

Are you searching for products that make you FEEL and LOOK FABULOUS ….Of course!!

In 2006 I loved the Neways products but then things changed. Neways was sold Tom left the company and saved his best ideas and new product inventions. The latest products are being created through Sisel international.

The SISEL Business Opportunity is nothing without the cutting edge scientifically formulated, safe toxin free products. Products that get results,  create passion and Sisel Love!! ( read my story).

Product users are the most important part of Sisel.

SISEL International is a great opportunity and represents an innovative health investment and for those interested a great business model in the home-based business industry, yes this is the one!!

SISEL stands for Science, Innovation, Success, Energy, and Longevity. Pioneered by Tom Mower, a bio-chemist and billion dollar entrepreneur, SISEL is poised to provide you with the best products and network marketing business opportunity the whole world over. It’s simple; Tom’s goal for SISEL was to become the number one network marketing company in the world within 10 years. With products this great this vision will exceed expectations.

SISEL International is a great business opportunity and represents an innovative business model in the home-based business industry. SISEL stands for Science, Innovation, Success, Energy, and Longevity. Pioneered by Tom Mower, a bio-chemist and billion dollar entrepreneur, SISEL is poised to provide you with the best network marketing business opportunity the whole world over.

Tom took Neways his previous company from position 1/12,000 to position 5/12,000 companies in 9 years, by capitalising on his previous experience with Neways, Sisel International is in a great position and it will be no surprise when it becomes a household name!  The business model Tom created is arguably more competitive than any other network marketing business plan in the industry. To meet his goal, Tom built a debt-free manufacturing plant, spending $150 million dollars of his own money to do so. Next, SISEL has 18 full-time scientists researching and developing new and powerful products in the beauty and healthcare industry. Because SISEL spends less to create their products, they can pay you more in commissions.

SISEL also creates products for over 100 other companies in the healthcare and beauty product industry. SISEL currently operates this business model in over 20 countries around the world. SISEL science can bring you health benefits and financial stability.


The SISEL Difference

Using evidence-based scientific research, acclaimed geneticists have discovered that 90% of the aging process is environmentally related and not due to our genetics. Therefore, the potential for anti-aging products to increase average life expectancy from 75 years to almost 200 years or more is not unheard of at all. There are over 100,000 new toxins that have been introduced into our environment in the past 50 years. Over 2,200 new synthetic chemicals exist in our environment that didn’t even exist in the last generation. These chemicals oxidize and damage our cells ability to repair themselves. If we can minimize the toxic chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis, turn back on the genes of our youth that are designed to repair and regenerate our bodies, address the entire group of 2,200 free radicals, give your body the proper nutrition of the 74 trace minerals needed so your body can perform the repairs needed to keep you young, and lastly repair the body’s immune system, then you’d have the formula for longer, more viral life.

Through ingredients such as Resveratrol, Polyphenals, Catechins, and Quercetin in the revolutionary product triangle of Eternity, FuCoyDon, and SpectraMaxx, scientific research shows unrivaled rejuvenation and anti-aging benefits in these SISEL products. This really is ground-breaking scientific research and you have a chance to be on the cutting edge of it.

With the SISEL advantage there is no overhead in product inventory, a debt-free company, with the highest compensation plan in the industry. If you are looking for a proven company to align your goals with, SISEL is the company for you. But, if by chance, you are not looking for a business opportunity, please consider the seriousness of the scientific facts mentioned in this article and take a look at replacing your health and beauty products with items that are toxin-free.

You owe it to your health!

Tom Mower is back and his products are better than ever before

Tom Mower is back and his products are better than ever before. Tom Mower previously owned Neways International.

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor