Sisel Product Promotion – May 2024

Sisel Product Promotion May 2024

Well hey, Katie. Welcome to the call, and welcome everyone. My name is Dr. Curt Ficenec, and tonight we’re going to be talking about the May Sisel product product promo of the month. Yep, fantastic! So, we’ve got this special Sisel product promo pack for May, and it has a great saving of $21 AUD. We’ve got three great products in there: Sisel Sport, Thermarol, Fire and Ice. You want to tell us a bit about the products, Dr. Curt?

Well, you know, I’m going to start out by talking about the Sisel Sport. The Sisel Sport is a great product. I like using it. I drink one every day, pretty much in the morning. I find that it gives me extra clarity, it gives me a boost of energy. It’s got some natural caffeine boosters, and it just gives me a good start to the day. Katie, I really like it. It’s a fairly new product, and for those listening, do you want to talk about the taste and also how it’s helped you, perhaps with weight loss as well?

You bet! Well, obviously, when it has caffeine, it’s going to boost your energy levels, so you’re going to feel more energetic, you’re going to do more things, and clarity is really good too when you’re trying to stay on task. But it’s got a really nice lemonade flavour, and I like that. Like I said, I have one in the morning. I can’t drink it in the afternoon. If I have one after, say, 2 or 3:00 in the afternoon, there’s enough caffeine in it that for me — and everybody’s different — but for me, I can’t get to sleep when I drink it in the afternoon. So, I have to have mine usually mid to late morning. And then another product in the pack is the Fire and Ice tea. It’s a great mango-flavoured iced tea, and again, it’s got some caffeine boosters in it, but it gives you some energy boost. The Sisel Sport was really designed as a pre-workout, and so if you don’t go to the gym and work out but you go for a walk with your dog, usually after I use it, and so these are both good energy boosters. These are products that, up here in Australia, we’re just getting to our summer and we’re getting outside, we’re getting more active, things like that, and so having extra energy to do that is always something nice to have. And then the Thermarol is a product that’s used on sore muscles, so if you’re working out in your garden, if you’re working in the yard, and you feel like you get some muscle soreness, the Thermarol is really good for rubbing into the sore, tired muscles and joints, and it really warms them up and gets that circulation going.

Yeah, it’s a really popular product, actually. I’ve had quite a few people reach out to me wanting to use this product, and when it ran out and it was out of stock for a little while, people were really keen to use it again. So, I love the Fire and Ice too because it’s also high in B vitamins. It’s loaded full of the B vitamins, and it’s got the buffered caffeine, so we’ve got a slow-release caffeine in there, so people don’t get the sort of peaks and, you know, it’s just an even flow of energy.

All three great products. I don’t use the Thermarol all that much, you know, because I don’t really get that sore of muscles. Maybe it’s because I don’t do anything, but you know, the other two products are products that I use on a regular basis.

Yeah, and you know, you could buy that product and give it as a gift as well. If you bought the pack and you’ve got a couple of tubes, you could give one to a family member or a friend and let them try it.

You bet, you bet. So how much is the pack for those that are interested in trying this this month?

So, what did I say it was? $93, I think. So, yeah, that’s right. Yeah, $193 is the cost of the pack, and it’s got a PV for those of you that are doing this as a business. It’s got a PV of 193 and a CV of 163, so it’s a really good product to promote to your group and get them to market this product, help people save some money at the same time.

Definitely. All right, well, thanks for joining us today. We wanted to share the pack for this month, and we hope you’re having a great week, and we hope you can get on or listen to our next call.

You bet, Katie. Have a great weekend, and everyone, thanks for being with us today and thanks for listening to the recording. Thanks, have a great day, bye.

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by Katie Sisel Distributor