Sisel Supra Detox Pack

Great, well, thanks for joining us, everyone. I’ve got Dr. Curt Ficenec here with me, and I’m Katie Larking, a Health and Nutrition Coach. This week, we are talking about the Sisel Detox Pack and wanted to share with you the benefits and why you might purchase this pack.

You bet! Well, Katie, I think it’s an excellent pack. These are products that I use, except for the Supra Detox. I don’t use that on a daily basis; I only use it a couple of times a year. But everything else I use on a daily basis.

Yeah, fantastic. So, we’ll start with the Supra Detox. You just said you use it a couple of times a year. How often can you use this product?

Well, I mean really, you could use it once a month, just one week out of every month if you’ve got a lot of digestive problems. I’d probably suggest that. Using it once a month for a week until you get your digestive problems cleaned up is a good idea. If you’ve been exposed to a lot of toxins or have been eating a lot of junk foods, it’s probably a great product. If you’ve been on a lot of antibiotics, it’s probably a great product that you need to be on a lot more. When I first started using it when I joined Sisel a decade ago, I used this product more consistently. But then, as I cleaned myself up, it really worked great.

Yeah, fantastic. So, Supra Detox supports the body to remove mucoid plaque and that backlog of waste matter. Going to the toilet regularly is really important for optimum health, gut health, weight loss, and a whole bunch of other health benefits as well. You know, Katie, you mentioned mucoid plaque. We know that John Wayne and Elvis Presley both had 50 to 70 pounds of this mucoid plaque. Explain to people what it is.

Yeah, so it basically coats the intestinal tract. It’s like a gooey substance made up of dead cells, food particles, and mucus. It coats the lining and stops nutrients from being absorbed through the gut wall, impeding nutrient absorption. So, you don’t want to have your gut lined with this mucoid plaque, which typically would go hand in hand with constipation as well, wouldn’t you say, Dr. Curt?

Yeah, I’d definitely say that. A lot of people are probably wondering, “Well, where do I get this stuff? How can somebody have 50 to 70 pounds of this mucoid plaque?” I’ll explain it quickly so you can visualise it. Mucoid plaque, as Katie said, builds up from eating food that sits in your gut, especially if you have digestive problems or have been on antibiotics. Your digestive system is like an open pipe that runs through you, and it’s almost 100 degrees inside. Everything inside is kind of like on a slow cooker. If you’ve ever made soup on the stove and kept it cooking on low, you’ll get that crusty stuff around the edges of the soup kettle. That’s what’s building up inside your gut over time if you don’t clean it out. Supra Detox cleans that out.

Yeah, fantastic. Curt, did you know that only 5% of Americans are eating enough fiber to meet the RDI each day?

5%? Only 5%? What is the recommended amount of fiber that we’re supposed to have?

So, it’s 25 grams for females and 35 for men. That’s the minimum recommendation. Also, it depends on your height as well. If you’re a bigger person, then your fiber needs to go up accordingly. You need a certain amount of fiber in your diet because it pushes everything along. All your other food that doesn’t contain fiber, like especially all the animal products, without the fiber, it’s just going to get stuck and you’ll get constipated. You need the fiber to push all the food out, and you also need it for a good balance of bacteria in your gut. Different types of fibers are prebiotics and probiotics, so that’s really important as well.

You bet. That kind of leads us into the Sisel Balance D, doesn’t it?

Yeah, do you want to talk about that one?

Well, the Sisel Balance D, a lot of people see it and think it’s vitamin D. There is some vitamin D in there, but it’s not enough, in my opinion, for the amount we need. The vitamin D in there is necessary for a healthy digestive system, but the “D” actually stands for digestion—balanced digestion. So, there’s probiotics and prebiotics in there. The prebiotics are generally fiber. Like Katie was just talking about, 35 grams for an average man and 25 grams for an average woman. We don’t have near that amount in the Sisel Balance D because those capsules would have to be super huge. What’s in there is enough just to feed the probiotics—what we call prebiotics. We’ll talk about postbiotics when we discuss the Sisel Thin. Prebiotics are the fiber that the probiotics live on, helping to balance your gut by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria, which kills the bad bacteria.

Yeah, fantastic. Okay, and the next two products we have are the Sisel Turn and Burn morning and night and then the Sisel Thin. I know you love these products. I’ll let you talk about those, Dr. Curt.

You bet. Some of the recent stuff I’ve learned about Sisel Thin is that when you combine it with probiotics, Sisel Thin has something called beta-hydroxybutyrate. You’ve probably heard of the keto diet by now. The keto diet is based on the fact that when your body is burning fat for energy, it produces ketones. When your body produces ketones, a lot of different things happen in metabolism, but you start to burn fat as energy. What they found recently is that burning fat as energy produces some other things inside your gut called postbiotics. Remember we talked about that a couple of weeks ago, Katie?

Yeah, postbiotics.

So, we have prebiotics, which is the fiber that feeds the probiotics. Then, we have postbiotics, which are the by products of what the probiotics make in your digestive system. This helps balance out sugars. We talk about this GLP-1 agonist. There are a lot of new drugs on the market for diabetes using this GLP-1 agonist. That’s what happens when you have a balance of prebiotics, postbiotics, and probiotics—you will have a balance of these GLP-1 agonists. This can help you avoid having to take that drug. And I’m not your doctor, so I can’t tell you what to do. This is a good time to add that disclaimer: if you’re suffering from a medical problem, consult your physician.

Absolutely, and none of the information we’re sharing today is designed to prevent, treat, or cure any disease or illness. If you are unwell, consult your healthcare professional for advice. Particularly if you’re considering taking supplements, you should check with your doctor, especially if you’re unwell or taking medication. So, let’s continue on, Dr. Curt.

You bet. Sisel Thin is a great product if you want to lose some weight. It helps burn fat because it puts you into ketosis, getting you to start producing those ketones. Let’s move on to the Sisel Turn and Burn product. Our body has two different types of fat: white fat and brown fat. White fat is stored fat that your body saves for a rainy day. It’s hard to get rid of. Brown fat is the fat that your body uses for energy. What scientists discovered is that certain nutrients can convert stored white fat into brown fat, which your body can then use as energy. Sisel Turn and Burn is a system with two products. The one in the yellow bottle turns up the heat in your body’s “oven,” so you start burning more fat as energy. The blue bottle, which you take at night, converts white fat into brown fat using specific nutrients. Pretty cool system, huh?

Yeah, fantastic. I could tell as soon as I started taking it that my body composition was changing. I could see it within the first month of taking the product. Even though some people I know using it don’t notice it on the scale as much, they do notice changes in their body composition.

Very interesting. Scales don’t always tell the truth. It’s good to use body composition measurements and a tape measure for your waist circumference. You want to look at your muscle-to-fat ratio. Let’s move on. I want to mention that we’ve been talking a lot about skin care recently because Sisel is coming out with a new line-up of skincare products. A lot of people don’t realise that if you have a bad digestive system, you’re going to have bad skin. Katie, why do we have bad skin when we have a bad digestive system?

Because gut health is directly related to skin health. The gut is the internal lining of the body, and the balance of good bacteria in there is crucial. If the good bacteria are out of balance and people are constipated or have gut issues, it shows through the skin. Toxins come through the skin, the pH balance is off, and the good and bad bacteria are out of balance, which is displayed through the skin.

You bet. The skin is a large filter—the biggest filter in your body, filtering more than your kidneys do. So, if you’re having a lot of constipation problems, chances are you’re going to have a lot of skin problems, maybe breaking out in adult acne and things like that. You should start looking at the gut for problems that could lead to that. I always tell people that for skin problems, these products right here are really, really important.

Yeah, fantastic. All right, great. Thanks, Dr. Curt. Thanks, everyone, for listening. Hopefully, you’ll listen to next week’s video as well.



Last Updated on May 19, 2024 by Katie Sisel Distributor