Toxic free products – Sisel Safe – no harmful ingredients

Make Your Home a Sanctuary From Hidden Chemicals

Toxic free Sisel safe

At Sisel, we take your health seriously. The Sisel Safe seal represents our commitment to develop and manufacture only the most powerful, safe, and effective products which are free of potentially harmful ingredients.

The problem: do you know the chemicals your family encounters every day?
Many health and beauty products contain potentially harmful ingredients. Your body can absorb and accumulate these chemicals; most of whatever you rub on your skin will end up in your bloodstream, traveling throughout your body and landing in delicate organs. When you add up daily exposure over the course of a lifetime, it is startling!

This is our promise to you.
Sisel won’t use controversial, potentially harmful ingredients in our products. In fact, our mission is to hold ourselves to the highest possible standard of ingredient integrity. We will always give you the safest, most-effective, non-toxic ingredients to keep your life and family safe, healthy, and happy.

We make it easy and worry-free to keep our homes free from potentially harmful ingredients! Here’s how to convert your household into a Sisel Safe home:

1. Read the labels on your existing products. Make a list of those items that contain potentially harmful ingredients.
2. Beginning with products which may pose the highest risk to your family’s health, prioritize your list.
3. Replace the items on your list with Sisel products (visit or contact your representative).

To learn more, download our Home safety brochure and SiselSafe checklist, and begin to transform your home into a cleaner, healthier environment for you and your family.

Siselsafe Brochure:

Siselsafe Checklist:

Siselsafe Video:


Sisel International is Tom Mowers’s company which continues on the Mower Mission of safe products. Sisel is open in Australia.

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor